Out musician Charice beautifully covers Zayne’s hit song ‘Pillowtalk’ The post Charice – Pillowtalk (Live) appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een...
Music video by Ria Mae performing Thoughts on Fire. The post Ria Mae – Thoughts on Fire ft. Classified appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een nieuw venster...
A beautiful fan video dedicated to Waverly and Nicole from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Wynonna Earp’ The post Waverly & Nicole (Wynonna Earp) – A Place Called You appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand....
Kaitlyn Alexander performs their cover of ‘Novels’ originally done by Rusty Clanton The post Kaitlyn Alexander – Novels (Rusty Clanton Cover) appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen...
In honor of the Women’s March on Washington coming up on January 21st, Lacie and Robin wanted to tell you about the first Women’s March on Washington in 1913 and one of its main leaders, Alice Paul, who may or may not be a lesbian. And what better way to...
A gorgeous fan video dedicated to Alex and Maggie from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Supergirl’ The post Alex & Maggie (Supergirl) – Girls Like Girl appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit...
When Ashly finds out she has high blood pressure, Izzy and Ashly go on a quest to get healthy. The post Unfortunately Ashly – Season 1, Episode 4 appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op...
Meer dan 1,5 miljoen mensen keken gisteravond naar de finale van Expeditie Robinson. En wat aan het begin van het seizoen niemand voor mogelijk had gehouden, gebeurde: Bertie Steur won! De Zeeuwse, die als eerste naar het afvallerseiland was gegaan, versloeg de...
Trots presenteerde hij vandaag de trailer op zijn Facebookpagina. Pim Mookhoek werkte drie jaar lang aan de documentaire Gay Babyboom, die op 12 januari op TV te zien zal zijn. Van de BNN website: ‘In Gay Babyboom komen verschillende gay koppels en hun kinderen...
Bron: Youtube Bij Zij aan Zij zijn we verdrietig, want George Michael is dood. Hij overleed op eerste kerstdag aan hartfalen. Met hem verliezen we niet alleen een briljant artiest, maar ook een voorvechter voor homorechten. Vaarwel George, bedankt voor je geweldige...
All About E is een verfrissende en avontuurlijke feelgood film. Opgenomen in het prachtige landschap van de Australische Outback. Wanneer de sexy E, een DJ met een Libanees-Australische achtergrond, per ongeluk een tas met dubieus geld heeft gevonden, begint een...
Out musician Kaitlyn Alexander performs her original song ‘Be Here’ The post Kaitlyn Alexander – Be Here appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een nieuw...
A gorgeous fan video dedicated to Margarethe and Diane from the lesbian film Serving In Silence. The post Margarethe & Diane (Serving In Silence) appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op...
Out musician Lilly Brown covers ‘December Song’ The post Lilly Brown – December Song appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een nieuw venster geopend)Klik om...
Almost Adults is a platonic love story about two life long best friends struggling to keep their friendship together as their lives head in different directions. The post Almost Adults – New Trailer appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On...
A fan video dedicated to Waverly and Nicole from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Wynonna Earp’ The post Waverly & Nicole (Wynonna Earp) – Mercy appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit...
Lesbian fiction author, Kiki Archer, discusses how to flirt girl on girl. The post Kiki Archer – Girl On Girl Lesbian Flirting appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een...
Ash and Grace look at their wedding photos for the first time. The post Couple Reacts to Their Wedding Photos appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op Facebook (Wordt in een nieuw venster...
A beautiful fan video dedicated to Alex and Maggie from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Supergirl’ The post Alex & Maggie (Supergirl) – Closer appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit...
The squeaky-clean daughter of a fundamentalist preacher becomes the symbolic centerpiece of a conservative political campaign. But when she falls in love with a woman, she must choose between the life she’s known, and the love she’s dreamed of. The post...
A beautiful fan video dedicated to Kelly and Yorkie from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Black Mirror’ in the episode ‘San Junipero’ The post Kelly & Yorkie (San Junipero) – Heaven Is A Place On Earth appeared first on One...
Welcome to the first episode of Dear Lesbian Princess, where Eveleena finds it her duty as gay royalty to help her noble subjects navigate their adventures – and misadeventures – in the land of lesbiansm. Send in your questions! The post Dear Lesbian...
BuzzFeedYellow asked people on Facebook, who haven’t come out yet, to share their stories. This is the result. The post #GIVEYOURVOICE: People Read Coming Out Stories appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit...
A beautiful fan video dedicated to Alex and Maggie from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Supergirl’ The post Alex & Maggie (Supergirl) – Can’t Pretend appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees...
Her Story is a new-media series that looks inside the dating lives of trans & queer women as they navigate the intersections of desire & identity. The post Her Story – Official Trailer appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On...
In which Luke takes the I-405, Paulie likes the I-101, and Leslie hates traffic. The post The Leslie – Season 1, Episode 11 – Traffic Jam appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees verder Dit delen:Klik om te delen op...
A fan video dedicated to Waverly and Nicole from the lesbian inclusive television series ‘Wynonna Earp’ The post Waverly & Nicole (Wynonna Earp) – Ordinary Girl appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On Demand. Lees...
A colorful resource book about lesbians who made significant contributions to LGBTQ culture. If you want to support this and make it become a reality, go here https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/game-changers-20-lesbians-you-should-know-about–2#/ The post Game...
Official video for Party At My Place (ft. DJ Jon Nguyen) by the gorgeous out musicians (and real life couple) Bria and Chrissy The post Bria and Chrissy – Party At My Place (ft. DJ Jon Nguyen) appeared first on One More Lesbian | Film, Television and Video On...
Trump: hoe een koe een haas vangt Donald Trump in het Witte Huis, wat betekent dat voor LHBT’ers in de VS en wereldwijd? Een bijdrage van Zij aan Zij redacteur Marieke de Wit. Hoe een koe een haas vangt Het ondenkbare is gebeurd. De clown, pestkop, de miljardair...
71-jarige debuteert met ‘Sla met suiker’ Annemarie Hering (71) debuteerde in mei 2016 met het boek ‘Sla met suiker’. Hierin vertelt zij het bijzondere verhaal van een getrouwde, Joodse vrouw die in het naoorlogse Amsterdam haar ontluikende...
Ellen DeGeneres naar het Witte Huis voor onderscheiding Ellen DeGeneres, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Hanks en Robert de Niro worden volgende week dinsdag verwacht in het Witte Huis. Daar worden ze onderscheiden met de Presidential Medal of Freedom. Ook Robert Redford en...